Solar energy system operations and maintenance is so much more than just vegetation management or fixing a damaged panel. In order to deliver a certifiable energy yield advantage in real-world operating conditions performance must be maximised, output generation optimised and risks mitigated using predictive analytics and string level performance monitoring.
The lifetime of a solar system is dependent on the quality of its components and and its commissioning. Together with continuous monitoring, adjustment and updating these lay the foundation for its durability and reliability in output and performance. Remote monitoring where performance is predicted, availability is ensured and grid-stability is safeguarded. We also manage all the equipment warranties and warranty claims for the system components to ensure that the system downtime is kept to an absolute minimum.
We monitor system performance on a daily basis for any potential system issues and carry out remote troubleshooting as well as on-site repairs. We monitor and analyse the system's soiling data to know exactly when will be best time for the solar panels to be cleaned.